We believe that in the sacrament of Holy Communion, God comes to love and forgive us. Through this meal, He brings us His love in a tangible way and renews us in our relationship with Him. As He promised, Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine. Jesus has instructed that we remember Him when we celebrate this meal. As we come to communion, we bring to Jesus our sin with a sincere desire to be forgiven and to be changed to be more like Him. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26; John 6:53-56)
We celebrate communion at both services every Sunday morning. Hosanna also has an open communion table, which means any baptized christian is welcome to partake of this holy meal whenever it is offered. Children, who have not taken a first communion class yet, are welcome to come forward for a blessing with their family.
First communion classes are offered each spring for children 3rd grade and older.
First Communion Camp
Practicing taking Communion

Communion Bread Making

Seder Meal